Our amazing 10 Ottawa Regional Science Fair (ORSF) finalists represented their home city with great pride at the Canada Wide Science Fair (CWSF) from May 26 to 31, 2024. A big thank you to all the teachers, volunteers, family members, mentors, sponsors and everyone who helped support our Finalists! Great work Finalists!

Congratulations to our Finalists!

  • Amani Kaur Bhullar – Analysis of Toroidal Propeller Sound Characteristics & Efficiency

  • Saeko Sakuraba – Does low oxygen before hatching affect zebrafish growth?

  • Anerie Patel – Posture Perfect: Leveraging Machine Learning to Enhance Posture Awareness and Correction

  • Karan Kirpalani – Finding Needles in Haystacks: Quantum Dot Microneedle Strategy to Counter Toxicity in Drug Delivery

  • Alyssa Morena – Nuclear Batteries – No Recharge Required

  • Ayana Torres – Le ProtecGlace: au secours des toitures en hiver

  • Raneem Salah – The Eye Spy Scanner; The Window to Your Health

  • Aliyan Boodhwani – Greenifying wastewater treatment

  • Jet Kearns and Millie Nolan – Sprouting in Space

Congratulations Amani Kaur Bhullar for winning multiple awards in the Senior category for the project Analysis of Toroidal Propeller Sound Characteristics & Efficiency!

  • Excellence Award – Bronze Medalist

  • Mount Allison University $3,000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Carleton University $1,500 Entrance Scholarship

  • University of Ottawa $1,000 Entrance Scholarship

  • Western University $1,000 Entrance Scholarship

Project: https://tinyurl.com/mpj4ezn5

Congratulations Saeko Sakuraba for winning multiple awards in the Senior category for the project Effects of low oxygen conditions during embryogenesis on growth in zebrafish!

  • Excellence Award – Bronze Medalist

  • Mount Allison University $3,000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Carleton University $1,500 Entrance Scholarship

  • University of Ottawa $1,000 Entrance Scholarship

  • Western University $1,000 Entrance Scholarship

Project: https://tinyurl.com/mruz9my4

Congratulations Anerie Patel for winning multiple awards in the Intermediate category for the project Posture Perfect: Leveraging Machine Learning to Enhance Posture Awareness and Correction!

  • Excellence Award – Silver Medalist

  • Mount Allison University $4,000 Entrance Scholarship

  • Western University $2,000 Entrance Scholarship

Project: https://tinyurl.com/mrf35d6b

Congratulations Karan Kirpalani for participating in the Intermediate category for the project Finding Needles in Haystacks: Quantum Dot Microneedle Strategy to Counter Toxicity in Drug Delivery!

Project: https://tinyurl.com/27px2vdm

Congratulations Alyssa Morena for participating in the Junior category for the project Nuclear Batteries – No Recharge Required!

Project: https://tinyurl.com/3eycv3et

Congratulations Ayana Torres for participating in the Junior category for the project Le ProtecGlace: au secours des toitures en hiver!

Project: https://tinyurl.com/yps3fb86

Congratulations Raneem Salah for winning multiple awards in the Intermediate category for the project The Eye Spy Scanner; The Window to Your Health!

  • Excellence Award – Bronze Medalist

  • Mount Allison University $3,000 Entrance Scholarship
  • Carleton University $1,500 Entrance Scholarship

  • University of Ottawa $1,000 Entrance Scholarship

  • Western University $1,000 Entrance Scholarship

Project: https://tinyurl.com/muz8muzw

Congratulations Aliyan Boodhwani for winning multiple awards in the Senior category for the project Greenifying wastewater treatment!

  • Excellence Award – Silver Medalist

  • Mount Allison University $4,000 Entrance Scholarship

  • Carleton University $2,500 Entrance Scholarship

  • Dalhousie University Faculty of Science $2,500 Entrance Scholarship

  • University of New Brunswick $2,500 Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship

  • University of Ottawa $2,000 Entrance Scholarship

  • Western University $2,000 Entrance Scholarship

Project: https://tinyurl.com/nh76h3hv

Congratulations Jet Kearns and Millie Nolan for participating in the Junior category for the project Sprouting in Space!

Project: https://tinyurl.com/5n8rs3m9

Categories: English